20 Mule Team® Borax
Posted on
October 11, 2011
It felt, at least for awhile, like I kept adding cleaner after cleaners to my home, and the space beneath my kitchen sink is a testament to this, enter 20 Mule Team® Borax . This product can be used in endless ways, including for laundry, deodorizing, disinfecting, multipurpose cleaning and much much more. Heather O'Hara Levesque of
Turning Green Saving Green has a very informative post about Borax on her site. Bottom line is this, if you are sick or the piling and hurtful cleaners around your home, inform your self about this great product. And oh yes, you can purchase it at Le Marché St. George ($7.50).
Photography & Discourse | Luis Valdizon
Styling |
Patricia Larsen
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