Event Coverage: Second Birthday Celebration

Posted on November 29, 2012 by Luis Valdizon

As I made my familiar walk along 28th Avenue to Marché, the buzzing of people grew more intense with each block. Nearing the building, I was immediately taken by the picturesque Columbia Valley Christmas trees stacked near each other and being admired by a few guests.

Looking a little closer, I noticed the new hand-painted Christmas lettering that adorns the shop's windows. Stepping through the door, we were fully staffed with all the familiar faces I have come to know and care for. And while the lineup to get a favourite drink and baked good was lengthy, everyone remained in good spirits. Our customers were very friendly to our staff and each other, which kept our day running smoothly.

As I headed into the back, the aroma of spiced cider warmed my nose, and quite frankly, still hasn't let it go. The pop-up shop behind the cafe (the one previewed here) looked resplendent, filled with all the goods Janaki and co. brought back from Mexico. The room was filled with the oohs and aahs of our patrons. Crowds came in and left with bags full of our rare wooly inventory. Upstairs, Pascal was exhaustedly doing his best to stuff the last duck down pillows into their pillowcase counterparts, which resulted in the Live @ Marché space being transformed into the coziest place in Vancouver. The artworks of Janaki, Patricia and Klee Larsen adorned the walls and the shelves alike, lending a half-gallery, half-shop sensibility to the event.

We can't thank our neighbourhood, customers (both old and new), staff, friends, and family enough for making our second anniversary a complete sensation. All the memories we've shared and created are meaningful because of you. As I overheard Janaki mention a few times throughout the evening, Marché is now heading into its Terrible Twos, meaning that there's a lot more liveliness in our future, and yours. See you next year!

