Event Coverage: Flights of Fancy

Posted on July 03, 2014 by Luis Valdizon

On Saturday June 21st, we held a private concert in the shop at Le Marché. Flights of Fancy, a night of 17th century Italian music, featured performances by Paul Luchkow (violin) and Michael Jarvis (harpsichord) . When I arrived, I walked into Marché in a state of dishevelled beauty. The cafe was still taking orders as Janaki, Pascal and crew made preparations for another one of our lovely collaborations. The church benches that usually find their home outside were being dusted and hustled into the shop. Janaki, who had visited our neighbourhood Italian Nona Rita earlier in the day, had brought back some young roses from her garden and prepared little arrangements to scatter around Le Marché. Our handsome resident Chef Kovic was putting his final touches on bites to be served later that evening. And cutting through this delicate chaos were the harmonious melodies offered by Mr. Jarvis and Mr. Luchkow's instruments. Their impassioned and earnest performance was the centrepiece of the evening filling the ears and hearts of our guests, staff and bystanders with a resonating elegance not soon to be forgotten.

Photographs and words by Luis Valdizon

